
Welcome to my photo page!

I spend hours and hours doing photography, with a modern camera and natural light, sometimes with a flash, sometimes with vintage lenses, sometimes with filters. It's hard to translate this nonverbal activity into words, but in attempting to do so, I have come to the conclusion that the thing that keeps me spending those hours and hours doing photography is the reward of that certain feeling, the special gratification of "it just feels right". It's when things come together visually, when the relationships of people, life, or things in a scene seem to 'click'.

This collection shows my personal taste in pattern matching. It's about capturing people and wildlife, plants, light, rocks, sky, all behaving themselves. I look for interrelationships, humor, joy, power, gentleness, tension, flow. I invite you to be there with a scene more than gawking at a scene. It doesn't have to be beautiful, but it does have to be interesting. Enjoy.

Want to contact me? Use: cavitynester at gmail dot com